Businesses are continuously searching for new ways to boost their brand for it to stand out. Music is a cost-effective and direct way of establishing mood. And building rapport with your target market. Usually when you think of the components that create a brand, or customer experience. When you’re going to think of the visual elements like decor, signage, and legos. Many forget that the important role of sound is establishing identity too.

Music can have a meaningful layer of this strategy. The perfect soundtrack can speak the language of your customer base. Resounding with their tastes, aspirations, and values. It can improve a person’s sense of belonging to a brand. Plus their likelihood of returning. This explains why more than two-thirds of business owners claim. That there is a great impact of customised music for business. Your business background music has a lot of benefits. It boosts brand loyalty, awareness, and brand awareness.

How does background music build a positive customer experience?

  • 81% of consumers say that it lifts their mood once they hear music in a commercial space.
  • 24% of consumers are more likely to be interested and buy a product. When they played their favorite music
  • 71% of consumers say that background music makes a better atmosphere

How background music promotes customer loyalty?

            A happy customer is a returning customer. Did you know that having a new customer costs around 6x greater? Compared to maintaining a current one. And you’re 50% more likely to have a sale to that existing customer. So a loyal customer base can be a simple and easy way of keeping sales volume. Yet, securing the trust of these customers needs more effort. It’s not just about loyalty cards. Music makes the customers you wanted feel welcomed when they enter. And so more likely to return when they exit.

How does business background music increase sales revenue? 

            In a landmark of Milliman study, he proved how to play slower music. Lessen the speed at which customers transfer through a store. Unfortunately, there’s no universal musical shortcut for keeping skyrocketing sales. Yet, when music is combined with your goals for a space, it can save a measurable impact. Sales can boost by 9% when brand-matched music is played, compared to generic pop music.

How music improves staff productivity? 

            Your staff members are another group of people that will be affected. By your business background music. Aside from your customers, there are a lot of strategies to boost staff productivity. Music can be one of the easiest and simplest changes to execute. The cause of this productivity enhancement according to extra studies. It is the mood-enhancing properties of music. Almost 81% of staff perform better when listening to music. And 74% of employees who want music enjoy going to work when good music is played.

Brand Attitude 

            Music that suits the ad is very important. In a study by Chen and Shen published in the International Journal of Advertising. It was found that music doesn’t fit the demographic. Will need to invest interest in an ad. The music can have an unfavorable effect. A learning by North showed that a great musical fit resulted in greater recall toward a brand.

Now you’ve known the importance of music in advertising through a lot of generations. There’s no reason why music and jingle cannot help your business. Music has a great impact on making your brand popular.