When choosing the right massage parlor for you, think about what your goal for the whole experience is. Do you want a time of pure indulgence and pampering, or is it more a time for de-stressing and relaxing? Maybe the best massage you can find is what you want.

Next, you need to consider your budget. If money is no object, go ahead and make an appointment at the best day spa near you. If you are more budget conscious, carefully check out the packages being offered and go during the off-season or during the week when the lowest rates are offered. Do your research by looking online and checking out several websites to find out what services and facilities are being offered. Browse the forums to get an idea of what their experiences have been like for other people. Choose a spa close to you to avoid high transport costs.

Before you commit to any treatment, check the sanitary conditions of the spa and verify that all staff is knowledgeable about the day spa services and treatments they are giving. You should book massage therapy in Thousand Oaks, CA looking at the pictures of the facilities and of the customers and staff as they are displayed on the websites. Read any testimonials that may be included.

All staff, from the girl at reception to the make-up artist and masseur, should be friendly and nurturing. All therapists should be licensed and they should be working in a quiet and relaxing environment. The equipment that you would expect to use should be available, such as hydrotherapy tubs, whirlpool tubs, and saunas.

When you are about to undergo any sort of treatment at the spa, like facial treatments, you should be asked to fill out a medical disclosure form, so that all necessary precautions are taken and the therapist is aware of any pre-existing medical condition. Think about whether you want to be treated by a male or female therapist and make this known to the staff well in advance.


Once you have chosen the spa that will fulfill your needs, go ahead and make a booking. Drink plenty of water beforehand so that the treatments have the very best chance of achieving the results that you want. Arrive at the spa in plenty of time so that you are in a relaxed state of mind and can best benefit from the therapies that will be given to you. If anything is not to your liking, such as the room being too warm or the music too loud, let the therapist know immediately. She is there to serve you and make your stay as comfortable and therapeutic as possible.

The massage therapy spa which offers just the right treatment for you at a price you can afford, by staff who have your best interests and care at heart, is probably the one you should choose. The research you did to find the best spa will pay off when you emerge relaxed yet energized and able to face the world with the confidence that comes from looking a feeling your very best.