One of the best things about hiking is that it can be done at any age and location, even in your backyard. But if you want to take your pet with you on some hikes, here are a few tips to help you keep them safe and happy.


Try a short one first: Pets may be ready for the rigors of longer walking hours, but they’ll have little patience with long drives or uncomfortable car rides before the hike starts. Keep it shorter until your pet gets used to more time on their feet.


Keep it low-key – Hikes over 3 miles long are generally too much for most pets. Please keep it on the shorter side or use a leash and harness to ensure your pet is always within reach and safe.


Pets need to stay hydrated – You want to avoid placing them at risk of dehydration by not adding enough water to the mix. They can dehydrate very quickly, so plan and pack a collapsible bowl with extra water and walk a short distance every 20 minutes as needed.


Plan – If you have to drive up to your destination, take an extra water bottle with you since they may need some time to drink when getting out of the car.


If you have an outdoor cat, consider having them microchipped so that it can be identified if ever found. Last but not least, remember to pack your camera and take lots of pictures. You’re sure to have lots of fun with these walking tips.


When you have small dogs, you can enjoy the great outdoors together by going on a hike or walking in your neighborhood. 


But there are times when you may need to venture onto a more adventurous trail and take your small dog with you. Whether hiking through the woods, on a rocky beach, or in the mountains, these tips will help make it fun for both of you.


Choose an area where the terrain is easy to manage for everyone – Make sure your dog can quickly move over rocks, streams, or slippery surfaces before even starting. If your dog can’t handle uneven ground or rough terrain, it’s probably too much for you, especially if you’re carrying a heavy backpack. pet friendly beaver creek may be in Colorado, but it is not the only Colorado town that welcomes pets – all towns, cities and municipalities in the state are pet friendly.

skiing beaver creek


Watch out for Poison Ivy – Even though it doesn’t grow in all areas, it is prevalent in many parts of America, and your dog can still pick it up while exploring the woods. So when you find places where the vines are growing off the ground, use a stick to check the areas where your pet may be walking.


Small dogs like to play with each other. But it can also be irritating for their owners. Here are 6 ways to avoid this and have a lot of fun for yourself and your small dog. 


The first way to deal with this issue is to have regular play time with them every day, as long as they don’t get into anything dangerous that may cause problems for themselves or others. Make sure you keep an eye on them while they are playing, and immediately stop them from doing the same thing again when they do something that looks dangerous.